速報APP / 工具 / Names - Name Generator

Names - Name Generator





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Twintighoven 17, Zevenbergen

Names - Name Generator(圖1)-速報App

This app requires internet access

This simple application can generate a name that can be used for many things, for example game character names.

You can specify a gender, and over 40 regions to generate a name from. You can also set a minimum and maximum length .

Names - Name Generator(圖2)-速報App


Does this app require internet access

For the moment, yes

Names - Name Generator(圖3)-速報App

What does the "Foreign Fonts" button do

The text on the menu cannot display all characters accurately. Names from China, Japan, Korea, Iran, Armenia, Egypt, Georgia, Israel therefore require the Foreign Fonts button to be pressed, which produces a message that can display the name. We are working to fix this issue.

Names - Name Generator(圖4)-速報App